Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 8, 2022

 Monarchy vs Democracy

To reign a country the reigning should be continuously. In monarchy regimes, father kings not giving the heirs to the sons but they should asking the sons to complete the unaccomplished plans and keep secret things of and for the nations.

In nowaday we follow democracy governments with legislature, executive,and justice in which the presidents, the representatives, the senators are changed at a certain period of time, therefore in order to have a continuation of reigning a country the handing over ceremony is so important. 

Secret documents should be kept in national storeroom and the active authorities have to read them in protecting rooms secretly. No leaking allowed.

Trump the 45th president of the USA didn't hand over properly and he took secret documents to his own house. He looked down upon the Americans.

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 8, 2022

 White supremacy

From 1620 the white peoples arrived America and conquered this prosperous land and thought that this is their nation but the fact this land is the land for refugees, the immigration land, it's a melting pot and the red skin people is the native people. 


The white peoples are the majority peoples in this land. What percentage of the US population: 

The white population of the United States increased by 17.5 percent between 1950 and 1960, as compared with 26.7 percent for the non white population, so that white persons constituted 88.6 percent of the total population in 1960 and 89.3 percent in 1950.

Shrinking rate from 1950 to 1960 is 0.7%.

The white, non-Hispanic population, without another race, decreased by 8.6% since 2010, according to the new data from the 2020 census. The U.S. is now 57.8% white, 18.7% Hispanic, 12.4% Black and 6% Asian.Aug 12, 2021 
Shrinking rate from 88.6% in 1960 falls down to 57.8% in 2020.

From 1881 to 1885 the civil war for equal save slave.

Immigration lands:
After world war two, immigration constitutions and laws were written by united nations and by many nations. Miserable people around the world were legally looking for refuge lands. 



Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 8, 2022


There are only two states of human mind:

Happiness and suffering.

They are compounded things of the mind, compounded mind formations.

A breath is a compounded material thing.

All compounded things are impermanent;

prone to rise and fall;

having risen, they're passed away,

their passing truest bliss.

A breath is born and passed away naturally and normally;

no effort requirement, no stain in the mind; tranquility and mindfulness.

In meditation, people just do one work:

know their normal breath in and out naturally.

That is a breath passing its truest bliss.


The meditation people can have a mindfulness while the breath is in and out.

Happiness and suffering should be born and passed away with a mindfulness also.

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 8, 2022

 Tâm mình rộng bao nhiêu?

Vớ vẩn. Tâm ý nghĩ đến vũ trụ thì tâm trí ta bao trùm vũ trụ. Tâm ý nghĩ đấn con vi trùng thì nó chỉ chứa được con vi trùng.

In our life there are two compounded mind formations: 

happiness and suffering

All compounded things prone to rise and fall; 

having risen, they're destroyed

their passing truest bliss.

A breath is a compounded thing

It prones to rise and fall;

having risen, they're destroyed

its passing truest bliss.

A breath is born and died

It passes away naturally,

without happiness or suffering

A natural mindfulness.

Think of this:

Why people don't use happiness and suffering but a breath for meditation practice?

Find it for yourself. 

A breath is born and passed away peacefully and mindfulness

Happiness and suffering should be born and passed away

in the same manners peacefully and mindfulness.

People are normally inhaling and exhaling naturally.


Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 8, 2022

 Thấy tâm của mình

Chiều lòng con gái, chúng tôi đổi bác sĩ gia đình. Lần đầu tiên đi bác sĩ mới, từ receptionists đến y tá làm việc với mặt khinh khỉnh họ có vẻ coi thường bác sĩ VN luôn. Lòng buồn nhưng đã lỡ; không thể nào quay lại bác sĩ cũ. Trong lúc khám bệnh tôi thông báo là thuốc Jardiance hết; bác sĩ có hỏi tôi thuốc này đã được cho toa mấy viên; tôi trả lời 90 viên. Hôm nay đi lấy thuốc bác sĩ đã cho 30 viên mà giá là 35 dollars; so với trước 90 viên/ 24 dollars. Phải trả đắt hơn gấp ba lần. Lòng dạ bực tức khó chịu quá.  Bao nhiêu lời dạy của kinh sách đã đọc về tiền tài là vật ngoài thân không cánh mà bay đi mất. Chỉ thấy lòng dạ bực tức...Lâu tan biến quá... Mô Phật.